Topic: Analysis of the Playing Techniques of American Modern Trumpet Sonata
Speaker: Professor Steve Leisring
Event date: 11/1/2018
Event time: 16:00 p.m.
Venue: Rehearsal Room, Building 23
Sponsor: Academy of Music, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Graduate School
Brief Introduction of the Speaker: Steve Leisring is the Associate Professor of Trumpet at the University of Kansas. Over the past twenty years, his abilities as a trumpet performer and teacher have taken him all over the world. His career began when he won a position in the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, which over the next fourteen years saw him performing with over 100 world-class artists, making over 25 commercial recordings and performing extensively in major European cities. He has served as a member of several renowned faculties, including the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Tenerife. Following his appointment to the position at the University of Kansas in 2003, he has drawn students from throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. He has served as Guest Principal Trumpet in the Shenzhen, Tianjin, and Harbin Symphony Orchestras in China, the Tokyo Symphony in Japan, and regularly plays with the Kansas City Symphony. He is an Edwards Trumpet Artist.