Innovative extraction and separation technology of Ginkgo biloba leaves


The feature and innovation of this project is to use a unique Super Energy Extractor to extract Ginkgo biloba leaves. Compared with traditional methods such as boiling reflux and percolation, this technique makes great progress in saving energy and spaces. In this novel extraction process, the Ginkgo phenolic acid in a low requirement is well degraded and inactivated. In the final Ginkgo biloba leaves extracts, the concentration of the Ginkgo phenolic acid is less than 1 ppm, the Ginkgo biloda flavonoids are great than 24%, and the Ginkgolide content is high than 10%. The final product has the advantages of high content of functional ingredients, low impurities, easy to be further separated, and its quality is significantly higher than that of similar products. So that this project has a strong market competiveness.
