The Key Laboratory of Biotechnology for Medicinal Plants of Jiangsu Province was founded in 2005 sponsored by the Department of Education of Jiangsu province. Initiated as a program for bioresource and biotechnology, the KLBMP has expanded in the last decade and become a major interdisciplinary research and development center of Jiangsu Normal University specialized in research of medicinal plants in Jiangsu. The KLBMP’s programs focus on training students and mentoring young scientists, and maintains a strong commitment to basic and applied research in plant biotechnology, eco-friendly biological pesticides, natural medicines, and health sciences. The KLBMP’s mission is to provide provincial, national and international leadership to the community of medicinal plants, emphasizing translational sciences and biotechnology advances in the development of health related products.
The KLBMP enjoy a large laboratory space of 5800 square meters and have the capacity to provide a wide range of services and satisfy the requirements needed for basic and applied research. Its state of the art facilities are integral parts of the KLBMP’s research that include a well-equipped research platform, the Center for Medicinal plants and Microbial Resources, the Laboratory for Plant Cellular Engineering, the Laboratory for Cell and Tissue Culture, a field experimental station, a climate chamber and green house. The KLBMP staffincludes 43 scientists and 25 visiting researchers, among which are 20 full professors and 20 associate professors. Principal investigators are in charge of routine academic activities of individual research groups within the KLBMP. Currently, the programs also train 150 researchers at levels of undergraduates, graduates, as well as post-doctoral focusing on the following research areas:
1. Resources of medicinal plants and germplasms;
2. Identification of active compounds and their biological functions of medicinal plants and microbes;
3. Development of health-related and environment-friendly products.