The 3rd JSNU Aerobics Competition for College Students Ends

Date:2024-04-02Clicks:194 设置

On March 30, the third JSNU Aerobics Competition for College Students came to a successful conclusion in the sports center.

The competition was sponsored by  JSNU’s Sports Committee. The co-organizers were the Student Affairs Office, JSNU Communist Youth League Committee, and the Graduate School. And it was hosted by the Institute of Physical Education. A total of 641 athletes from 15 teams, including the Academy of Music, the CW CHU College, and the School of Historical Culture and Tourism, participated in the competition.

The competition took the competition rules approved by the Chinese Aerobic Association. The CW CHU College and the Institute of Physical Education tied for the first place, the School of Fine Arts won the second place, the Academy of Music won the third place, and the School of Law, School of Mathematics and Statistics, the School of Media, Film and Television, the School of Geography, Geomatics and Planning, and the School of Life Sciences respectively won the fourth to eighth place. At the same time, the Institute of Physical Education, the CW CHU College, the School of Historical Culture and Tourism, the School of Marxism, the School of Linguistic Sciences and Arts, the Business School, the School of Chinese Language and Literature, and the SPBPU Institute of Engineering won the Sports Ethics Award.

At the closing ceremony, university leaders attended the event and presented awards to the winners.
