The 36th Jiangsu Normal University Commendation Conference of the Teachers’ Day


On the afternoon of September 10, the 36th Jiangsu Normal University Commendation Conference of the Teachers’ Day was held at Ma Ke Concert Hall. Nearly 500 teachers and students attended the conference which was hosted by Professor Cen Hong, Vice Party Secretary of CPC JSNU Committee.

President Zhou Ruguang addressed a speech to extend his greetings to all the faculty and staff. He pointed out that teachers were the first resource of education development, the foundation of education career and the source of education revitalization. President Zhousaid that “Overcoming poverty through education” was the theme of this year’sTeachers’ Day and also the duty and mission of every teacher. Since the foundation, Jiangsu Normal University insisted on socialist direction, focusedon fundamental tasks, concentrating on teachers’ education and formed distinctive characteristics. In recent years, JSNUers kept staying true to ourmission, underling all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical,aesthetic and labor education, constructing students’ values, capability and knowledge system. By these measures, we showed our deeds and responsibilitiesas a high-level university.

At this historical juncture of the new era, President Zhou added, faced up with brand new opportunities and challenges, we had to stick to the standard of being a good teacher, tried hard to build a team with high-quality and contributed to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

Then, the conference came to the next phase. After Vice Party Secretary Liu Guangdeng announced the lists of laureates, medals, flowers and certificates were presented to Teacher Morality Models, Advanced Groups and Individuals, teachers who had worker over 30 years, and teachers with outstanding contributions in the past year.

Followed medal distribution, three representatives stepped on the stage to share their stories and experience.

In 2019, many excellent teachers were introduced into JSNU. Among warmed applauses, these 121 teachers came to the stage to make their oath of being loyal to education.

In the end, Party Secretary Hua Guihong made a summary. He noted that excellent teachers were strong guarantee of a university. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, President Xi Jinping made a series of speeches to underline the important role of teachers by pointing out teachers’ standards and requirements. In recent years, JSNU has been implementing the Party’s guidance of education and insisting on the fundamental tasks through expanding teacher team, setting out teachers’ assessment system, ensuring high-end talents team and guaranteeing teachers’ salary. 2020 was a key year of JSNU’s development. We have been depending on teachers heavily in terms of high-level university construction. He hoped that all the faculty could be lofty, rich in knowledge and patriotic and make great contribution to education caeer.
