The 53rd Runde Lecture


On the afternoon of October 11th, Professor Xu Zechen, the winner of the 10th Mao Dun Literature Award and the associate editor of People's Literature, attended the 53rd Runde Lecture and gave a wonderful presentation to teachers and students.

At the beginning of the Lecture, Professor Hao Jingbo from the School of Chinese Language and Literature expressed warm welcome to Xu Zechen on behalf of Jiangsu Normal University (JSNU). He announced the establishment of Xu Zechen Research Center and brought the good news that Professor Xu Zechen has become a writer-in-residence. Xu Zechen expressed gratitude for JSNU and shared his feelings about becoming a member of JSNU. 

Xu Zechen recalled with deep affectionateness that he dreamed of becoming a truck driver when he was a child. After watching a TV series, he wanted to be a lawyer. It was not until he read Family that he aspired to become a writer. Xu believes that those who succeed in a certain field are willing to persevere. He spent 27 years writing and 2 years specializing in creating good stories. His story vividly explaines perseverance is the key to achieving career success. When it comes to the hometown and childhood depicted by writers, Xu said that for a writer, hometown is a childhood in the sense of space, and childhood is a hometown in the sense of time. What matters is not the era that the story describes, but the era in which the story is told. Xu Zechen pointed out that literature is a continuous process of elimination, and literary creation needs to keep up with the times. To understand writers, both their best and worst books are worth reading. In this way, readers are able to experience their paths to growing up, their sources of inspiration, and even try to approach them. Only in this way can a bridge be established between literary works and the authors, connecting them to our society and the times. In addition, Xu also sent a message to the students that vision determines what a person can achieve, and he encourged everyone to keep progressing and pursue a better future.
