Prof. Wang, master supervisor, is engaged in theresearch on Chinese Semantics, Chinese Pragmatics, Applied Linguistics andLogic in Language. He has published over 60 paper, 4 monographs, and 10 textbooks.
Research Interests

Chinese Semantics
Chinese Pragmatics
Educational Background
MA (graduate with the same degree level at Teachers’Advanced Class), School of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing NormalUniversity, 2000
BA, JSNU, 1998
ResearchProjects in recent years
1.JiangsuProvincial Government Project (No. 06JSDYY002, ¥20,000): Chinese Presuppositionand Practice, 2006-2010.
2.MOEProject (No. 12YJA740073, ¥90,000): Study on Modern Chinese PresuppositionTriggers, 2012-2016.
3.JiangsuProvincial Government Project (No. 14YYB006, ¥40,000): Study on the Meaning ofModern Chinese Tone Element Presupposition, 2014.
4.StateLanguage Commission Key Project Subproject (No. ZDA125-12, ¥800,000): Study onMiddle School Students’ Mandarin Oral Ability Standard and Evaluation Mechanism,2013-2017.
Selected Publications
¨WangYueping. The Application of Non-verbal Symbols in TV News Production. ContemporaryCommunications. 2012 (5):94-95.
¨ZhuWei &Wang Yueping. Four Paths of Ecology-orientated Teachers’ ProfessionalDevelopment. Theory and Practice of Education. 2012 (20):24-27.
¨WangYueping. On the Natures of Non-Language and Its Expression Function. Journal ofXuzhou Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition). 2012, 38 (4):61-65.
¨WangYueping. A Review of Presupposition Research in China in the Past 30 Years. Journalof China University of Mining & Technology (Social Sciences). 2012, 14(1):130-137.
¨WangYueping. The Analysis on Presupposition of Object in Modern Chinese. Journal ofJiangsu Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition). 2013, 39 (4):64-70.
¨WangYueping. Academic value and application value of research on Chinesepresupposition. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology (SocialSciences). 2013, 15 (3):124-129.
¨WangYueping. Conventional Implicature, Dialect Implicature and the Expansion ofPresupposition Range. Academic Bimestris. 2014, (6) :167-172
¨WangYueping. The Canceling Mechanism of the Latent Semantic Presuppositions inChinese. Journal of Jiansu Normal University (Philosophy and Sciences Edition).2014, 40 (1):64-69.
¨WangYueping. A Study on Classification and Potential Semantic Presupposition ofPredicate-Complement Structure. Journal of Shanxi Normal University (SocialScience Edition). 2014 (1):153-157.
¨WangYueping. Returned Students and the Development of the Subject of ChineseGrammar. Qilu Journal. 2015 (6):153-160.
¨WangYueping. Teaching Chinese Adhering to Chinese Features and Rules. LanguagePlanning. 2015, (10):67-68.
¨WangYueping. Investigation on the Semantic Function of only in Sentence.Journal of Jiansu Normal University (Philosophy and Sciences Edition). 2015,(5):61-68.
¨WangYueping. On Presupposition and Figures of Speech. Journal of China Universityof Mining & Technology (Social Sciences). 2015, (6):81-85.
¨WangYueping. Tentative Analysis of the Composition of Oral Ability of Putonghua. Journalof Shandong Teachers' University (Humanities and Social Sciences). 2016, (6):132-140.
¨WangYueping. On the Expansion of the Teaching of Reading. Chinese Knowledge. 2016,(21):79-81.
¨WangYueping. The Analysis on Presupposition of Object in Modern Chinese. ournal ofJiansu Normal University(Philosophy and Sciences Edition). 2013, 39(4): 64-70.
¨ZhangLili, Wang Yueping. The Teaching of Chinese Should Adhere to Chinese Features.Chinese Knowledge. 2017. (19).
¨Wang Yueping, Logics and Chinese CreativeEducation, Nanjing Normal University Press, Nanjing. 2003.
¨Wang Yueping, Monographic Study on LanguageApplication – Logics and Figures of Speech, People’s Daily Press, Beijing. 2006.
¨Wang Yueping, Study on ChinesePresupposition, China Social Sciences Press, Beijing. 2011.
¨Essays of Language Philosophy, ChinaUniversity of Mining and Technology Press, Xuzhou. 2016.
Honorsand Awards
Second Prize,Xuzhou Philosophy Social Science Outstanding Achievements Award, 2013
Second Prize,Xuzhou Philosophy Social Science Outstanding Achievements Award, 2011
Second Prize, The12th Jiangsu Philosophy Social Science Outstanding AchievementsAward, 2012
Second Prize, The7th Academic Achievement Award, Jiangsu Philosophy Social ScienceCommunity, 2013