Research Interests
Modern andContemporary Literature
Educational Background
PhD, FudanUniversity, 2001
MA, SouthwestUniversity, 1995
BA, KashgarUniversity, 1991
Research Projects in recent years
1.National Social Science Fund Project(No. 14BZW114, ¥200,000): Study on Populism and Left-wing Literature.2014-2017.
2.Guangdong Social SciencePlanning Youth Project (¥40,000): Study on Modernity and Left-wing Literature.2011-2015.
3.Jiangsu Innovative ProjectFund: ¥80,000. 2016-2019.
Selected Publications
¨Liu Donglin. July School andLeft-wing Aesthetic Modernity. Academic Monthly. 2014 (12) :122-127.
¨Liu Donglin. Criticism andConstruction: the Possibility of Left-wing Literarure. Shandong Social Sciences– An Example of Zhang Tianyi. 2015 (9) :52-57.
¨Liu Donglin. On the LiteraturePolicy of the “17-year). Journal of Jiangsu Normal University (Philosophy andSocial Sciences Edition). 2013 , 39 (1) :35-39.
¨Liu Donglin. The Story of Suiziand Recall of Cultural Revolution. Symposium of Chinese Modern Literature.2015, 12:111-112.
¨Liu Donglin. Hongkong Writingand Identity – On Writing and Identity in an Alien Space by Wang Yanfang. Forumof Chinese Literature of the World. 2015, 12:111-112.
2014, LiuDonglin. The historical literary revolution of 1920-1940 (the discourseanalysis). Jiangsu Education Press: Nanjing.
Honors and Awards
Candidate ofJiangsu Innovative Project: Young and Mid-aged Academic Leader in 2016.
Contact Information