Professor Liang Weifeng


Research Interests

ChineseModern and Contemporary Literature

Educational Background

PhD, Collegeof Humanities and Communications, Shanghai Normal University, 2003

MA,School of Chinese Language and Literature, JSNU, 1996

BA, Schoolof Chinese Language and Literature, Yangzhou University, 1992

Research Projects inrecent years

1.Jiangsu Social Science FundProject (No. 13ZWC010): Study on the Left-wing Literature in the 1930s from thePerspective of Youth Culture, 2013-2016.

2.Jiangsu University PhilosophySocial Science Fund Project (No. 2011SJD750022): Left-wing Literature Movementin the 1930s and Youth’s “Echo Agony”, 2011-2014.

3.Jiangsu University PhilosophySocial Science Fund Project (No. 07SJB750012): Lu Xun and Shanghai Culture,2007-2010.

Selected Publications

¨Liang Weifeng. On Lu Xun’sExpression of Shanghai in His Later Creation. Modern Chinese Literature Studies,2013 (10) :143-151.

¨Liang Weifeng. A Singsong Girlor Prostitute? – On Luxun’s Amusement Action in Qingliange. Luxun ResearchMonthly, 2012 (9) :65-69.

¨Liang Weifeng. Yang Kui’s YouthCulture Psychology and His Self-portrait in Novels. Forum for Chinese Literatureof the World. 2014 (4) :42-46.

¨Liang Weifeng. The Relationshipbetween Tingzijian Youth Culture and Shanghai Culture in the 1930s.Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences), 2014 , 27 (7) :9-14.

¨Liang Weifeng. On the Formationof Youthful Spirit in Yang Kui's Cultural Psychology. Journal of Jiansu NormalUniversity(Philosophy and Sciences Edition). 2014 , 40 (3) :31-35.

¨Liang Weifeng. On the CulturalPersonalities of Late Lu Xun and Shanghai Folks. Journal of JiansuNormal University(Philosophy and Sciences Edition). 2012 , 38 (4) :41-46.


2012, Liang Weifeng. Great Master ofCulture: Lu Xun and Shanghai Culture. Shanghai Culture Publishing House,Shanghai.

Honors and Awards

Jiangsu Outstanding Graduate Thesis,Jiangsu DOE, 2001

Youth Core Teacher, JSNU, 2007

First Prize in the 4th YouthTeachers’ Teaching Competition, JSNU, 2008

Contact Information
