Speaker: Professor Guo Yubao
Topic: Quasi-vertex/arc-pancyclicities in multipartite tournaments
Date: September 16, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Venue: Academic Lecture Hall 1508, Building 9
Sponsors: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Research Institute of Mathematical Science, Institute of Science and Technology
Professor Guo Yubao currently serves as the Acting Director of the Institute of Information Processing Mathematics at RWTH Aachen University, the Dean of the Sino-German High Quality Development Research Institute, and the Director of the RWTH Aachen University (Beijing) Office etc. He is a visiting professor at universities such as Yangzhou University, Southeast University, Chongqing University, and Shanxi University. He has also been selected for the Shanxi Provincial Hundred Talents Program. For many years, professor Guo has been enthusiastic about academic and cultural exchanges between China and Germany, promoting the establishment of friendly relationships between RWTH Aachen University and multiple Chinese universities. In April 2022, he was appointed as the ambassador of the Federation of Jiangsu Returned Overseas Chinese.
A vertex (an arc, respectively) of a digraph D is called pancyclic, if it lies on a cycle of length t for all t 2 f3; : : : ; jV (D)jg. Moon (On subtournaments of a tournament. Canad. Math. Bull. 9, 1966) proved that every strong tournament is vertex-pancyclic and Alspach (On Cycles of each length in regular tournaments. Canad. Math. Bull. 10, 1967) con_rmed that every regular tournament is arcpancyclic.Since multipartite tournaments don't have the same vertex- and arc-pancyclicities as tournamnets, we have tried to extend the classical cycle concept to multipartite tourna-ments in various ways.
In this talk, we will give an overview of quasi x-pancyclicities, x 2 fp, l, o, nl, psg, and pandashcyclicity in multipartite tournaments, and leave a few open problems on this topic.