Speaker: Professor Deng Bo
Topic: Construction for the sequences of Q-Borderenergetic Graphs
Date: September 18, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Academic Lecture Hall 1508, Building 9
Sponsors: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Research Institute of Mathematical Science, Institute of Science and Technology
Deng Bo is a professor, doctoral supervisor. He worked as a post-doctor at Nankai University from 2015 to 2017. He is currently working in the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Qinghai Normal University as the assistant to the dean and the Secretary-General of Qinghai Provincial Mathematical Society. He specializes in applied mathematics, and his main research fields are algebraic graph theory and chemical graph theory. He has published more than 80 papers in academic journals such as Linear Algebra and its Applications、MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry and Linear and Multilinear Algebra , and has hosted and participated in more than 10 national and provincial scientific research projects.
This research intends to construct a signless Laplacian spectrum of the complement of any k-regular graph G with order n. Trough application of the join of two arbitrary graphs, a new class of Q-borderenergetic graphs is determined with proof. As indicated in the research, with a regular Q-borderenergetic graph, sequences of regular Q-borderenergetic graphs can be constructed. Te procedures for such a construction are determined and demonstrated. Significantly, all the possible regular Q-borderenergetic graphs of order 7<n≤10 are determined.