Prof. Lin has been engaged in research on dynamical system and differential geometry. She has published over 20 papers on international academic journals, such as Mathematical Methods in Applied Science,Carpathian Journal of Mathematics. Lin used to be editorial board member of Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc.(2011-2014)and conducted visiting research at various universities.
Research Interests
Ordinary Differential Equation;
Dynamic System;
Educational Background
PhD, College of Sciences, China University of Mining and Technology, 2007;
MA, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Jiangsu Normal University, 1997;
BA, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Jiangsu Normal University, 1993;
Research Projects in Recent Years
1. National Natural Science Fund Project (No. 11771185, ¥450,000): Qualitative Research on Delay Differential Equations and Impulsive Perturbations. 2018-2021.
2. National Natural Science Fund Project (No. 11101349, ¥220,000): Applications of Variational Approach and Singular Perturbation System Theory in Differential Equations. 2012-2014.
3. Jiangsu Institutes of Natural Science Fund Project (No. 11KJB110013, ¥50,000): Critical Point Theory and Its Applications in Boundary Value Problem and Hamilton System. 2011-2013.
4. 2011 Jiangsu Governmental Scholarship for Overseas Students Project (No. k001, ¥33,000): Singular Perturbation Theory and Its Applications in Dynamic System. 2012.1-2012.12.
Selected Publications
1. Lin Xiaojie,Zhang Qin. (2017). Existence of solution for a p-Laplacian multi-point boundary value problem at resonance. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s12346-017-0259-7.
2. Shang Xiaohui, Du Zengji, Lin Xiaojie. (2016). Traveling wave solutions in n-dimensional delayedreaction-diffusion systems and application to four-dimensionalpredator-prey systems. Mathematical Methods in Applied Science,39(6): 1607-1620.(SCI)
3. Lin Xiaojie. (2015). Existence of Three Solutions for a Three-Point Boundary Value Problem via a three-critical-point Theorem. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 31(2): 213-220.(SCI)
4. Lin Xiaojie, Du Zengji, Zhao Bensheng. (2014). A third-order multi-point boundary value problem at resonance with one three dimensional kernel space. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 30(1): 93-100.(SCI)
5. Lin Xiaojie. (2013). Singular Perturbations of Third-Order Nonlinear Differential Equations with Full Nonlinear Boundary Conditions. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224, 88-95.(SCI)
6. Lin Xiaojie, YansenLv, Zengji Du. (2013). Global asymptotic stability of almost periodic solution for a multispecies competition-predator system with time delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 4908-4923.(SCI)
7. Lin Xiaojie, Zhang Qin, Du Zengji. (2013). Solvability of a second-order differential equation with integral boundary condition at resonance on an unbounded domain. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 29, No. 2, 201-208.(SCI)
8. Lin Xiaojie, Du Zengji,Lv Yansen. (2013). Periodic solution to a multispecies predator-prey competition dyanmicsysytem with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and time delay. Applications of Mathematics,58(6):673-687.(SCI)
9. Lin Xiaojie. (2013). Asymptotic Solutions for A Singular Perturbed Second- Order Nonlocal Boundary Value Problem. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 20(4): 65-72 . Retrieved from
10. Lin Xiaojie, Fu Zhengmin. Positive solutions for a class of third-order three-point boundary Value Problem. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,Volume 2012, Article ID 937670,1- 12.(SCI)
11. Zhao Bensheng, Lin Xiaojie. (2012). Existence of solutions for higher-order differential equations with nonlinearboundary conditions. Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 26(1):17-27.
Honors and Awards
The second prize of 2008-2009 Xuzhou Natural Science Outstanding Paper. 2010.
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