Prof. Du Zengji is mainly engaged in the researches of ordinary differential equations and dynamic system, as well as the theory and application of singular perturbation. He has delivered over 50 SCI theses successively on Mathematical journals like J. Differential Equations, J. Math. Bio., J. Comput. Appl. Math., Math. Nachr., Nonlinear Dyn., J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Research Interests
Ordinary Differential Equation;
Dynamic System;
Educational Background
PhD, College of Science, Beijing Institute of Technology,2002/09-2005/06;
MS., Department of Mathematics, Jiangsu Normal University, 1997/09-2000/06;
B.S., Department of Mathematics, Jiangsu Normal University, 1993/09-1997/06;
Research Projects in Recent Years
1. National Natural Science Fund Project (No. 11471146,¥680000):Singular perturbation system
and boundary value problem od non-linear differential equation. 2015.1-2018,12
2. National Natural Science Fund Project (No. 11071205,¥280000)Singular Perturbation Theory
and Its Applications in Dynamical System. 2011.1-2013.12
3. The fourth “333 Project” scientific research project of Jiangsu(No. 333GC13004,¥40000): the singular perturbation method and numerical modeling in EL nino atmosphere phenomenon and the dynamical system . 2014.1-2015,12
4. Jiangsu Natural Science Fund Rolling Project(No. BK2011042, ¥200000):
El nino Southern Oscillation Atmospheric Phenomenon and the Influence it has on Regional Climate, and Numerical Simulation Study. 2011.3-2014.12
5. Jiangsu Natural Science Fund Project(No. BK2008119, ¥90000): Singular Perturbation Method and its Applications in El nino Atmosphere Phenomenon. 2008.3-2010.12
6. National Natural Science Fund Tianyuan Fund Project(No.10826016,¥30000): Dynamic System and the Tenth Functional Differential Equations Academic Conference. 2008.1-2008.12
7. National Natural Science Fund Tianyuan Fund Project(No. 10626004, ¥30000): Boundary Value Problem of Nonlinear Differential Equations on Infinite Interval. 2007.1-2007.12
8. Jiangsu Institutes of Natural Science Fund Project (No. 08KJB110011, ¥50000): Perturbation Method and its Applications on Nonlinear Differential Equations. 2008.3-2010.12
Selected Publications
1. ChenXiao , Du Zengji. (2017).Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions for a neutral delay predator-prey model with Hassell-Varley type functional response and impulse. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s12346-017-0223-6.
2. DuZengji, Valery G. Romanovski, andZhang Xiang. (2016).Varieties and analytic normalizations of partially integrable systems, J. Differential Equations,260: 6855–6871.
3. XuYing , DuZengji ,Lei Wei . (2016). Geometric singular perturbation method to the existence and asymptotic behavior of traveling waves for a generalized burgers-kdv equation, Nonlinear Dyn., 83: 65–73.
4. ShangXiaohui, DuZengji. (2016). Existence of Traveling waves in a generalized nonlinear dispersive-dissipative equation,Math. Meth. Appl.Sci. ,39(11): 3035-3042.
5. DuZengji, PengRui. (2016). A prioriestimates for solutions of a class of reaction -diffusion systems, J. Math. Biol. , 72(6):1429-1439.
6. ZhuangKaige , DuZengji , LinXiaojie. (2015). Solitary waves solutions of singularly perturbed higher-order KdV equation via geometric singular perturbation method, Nonlinear Dyn. , 80(1):629-635.
7. LiWenbin , DuZengji , XuDongcheng . (2015). Permanence and existence of periodic solution of a discrete periodic Lotka-Volterra competition system with Feedback control and time delays, Nonlinear Anal. Model. Control. , 20(2): 190-209.
8. DuZengji ,FengZhaosheng . (2014). Periodic solutions of a neutral impulsive predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response with delays, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 258: 87-98
9. DuZengji , ChenXiao, FengZhaosheng . (2014). Multiple Positive Periodic Solutions to A Predator-Prey Model with Leslie-Gower Holling-type II Functional Response and Harvesting Terms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-S., 7(6):1203-1214.
10. DuZengji ,LvYansen . (2013). Permanence and Almost Periodic Solution of a Lotka-Volterra Model with mutual interference and time delays,Appl. Math. Model., 37: 1054-1068.
11.LvYansen , DuZengji . (2011). Existence and Global Attractivity of Positive Periodic Solution to a Lotka-Volterra Model with mutual interference and Holling III type functional response, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. , 12: 3654-3366.
12. LinXiaojie, DuZengji , MengFanchao . (2011). A note on a third-order multi-point boundary value problem at resonance, Math. Nachr., 284(13): 1690-1700.
13. WangXiaoli , DuZengji . (2010). Existence and Global Attractivity of Positive Periodic Solution to a Lotka-Volterra Model,Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. , 11: 4054-4061.
14. DuZengji , KongLingju . (2010). Asymptotic Solutions of a Singularly Perturbed Second-Order Differential Equations and Application to Multi Point Boundary Value Problems, Appl. Math. Lett. , 23: 980-983.
15. DuZengji . (2008). Solvability ofFunctional Differential Equationswith Multi-point Boundary Value Problemat Resonance,Computers and Mathematics with Applications. , 5(11): 2653-2661.
16.DuZengji , MaDexiang , LinXiaojie . (2007). A Higher Order Multi-Point Boundary Value Problem in the Resonance case, Differential Equations. , 43(4):445-453.
17. BaiZhanbing , DuZengji . (2007). Positive solutions for some second-order four-point boundary value problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,330: 34-50.
18.DuZengji ,Lin Xiaojie , Liu Wenbin . (2007). Multiple Solutions to a Three-Point Boundary Value Problem for Higher-Order Ordinary Differential Equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 335:1207-12
19. DuZengji . (2007). Singular Perturbation for Third-Order Nonlinear Systems of Boundary Value Problem, Appl. Mathematics . Computation. , 189: 869-877
20. MaDexiang , DuZengji , GeWeigao . (2005). Existence and interation of monotone positive solutions for multi-point boundary value problems with p-Laplacian operator, Computers & Mathematics with Applications. , 50: 729-739.
21. DuZengji , LinXiaojie , GeWeigao . (2005). On a third order multi- point boundary value problem at resonance, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,302(1):217-229
22. DuZengji , LinXiaojie and GeWeigao . (2005). Some higher order multi-point boundary value problem at resonance, J. Comput. Appl. Math.177(1): 55-65
23.DuZengji , GeWeigao and Zhou Mingru. (2005). Singular perturbations for third-order nonlinear multi-point boundary value problem, J. Differential Equations. ,218 (1): 69-90.
24. DuZengji , GeWeigao andLin Xiaojie. (2004). Existence of solutions for a class of third-order nonlinear boundary value problems,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 294(1): 104-112
Honors and Awards
1. The First Prize in the First Session of Graduate Student Education Achievement Award of Jiangsu Normal University. 2016.
2. Advanced individual in Educational Work of Jiangsu. 2016.
3. The First Excellent Research Supervisor of Jiangsu Normal University. 2016.
4. The Second Prize of Excellent Educational Achievement of Jiangsu Province. 2013.
5. Grand Prize in Outstanding Teaching Results of Jiangsu Normal University. 2013.
6. High-level Personnel Training Project”. 2011.
7. Leader of Academy of Jiangsu “Cyanine Engineering”.2010.
8. Jiangsu Mathematical Achievement Award. 2010.
9. The fourth Qin Yuanxun Award of ODE. 2009.
10. Pace-setter in the new Long March of Jiangsu. 2009.
11. The Second Youth Science Award. 2007.
12. The First Prize of Outstanding Research Achievements of Institutions of Higher Education in Shandong(Natural Sciences).2006.
13. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Beijing Institute of Technology. 2006.
14. Leader of Science and Technology of the Middle-young age of Jiangsu “333 Outstanding Key Teacher of Jiangsu “Cyanine Engineering”. 2006.
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