Professor Sun Longcun


Prof. Sun, PhD, is the director of supervisor group of Master Ed. (Primary School Education). He is mainly engaged in the research on primary education and comparative education. Sun is the member of Division of Young Theoreticians, CSE.

Research Interests

Comparative Education;

Educational Background

PhD, Beijing Normal University, 2007;

Visiting Scholar, China East Normal University, 2006;

MA, Qufu Normal University, 2000;

BA, Qilu Normal University, 1998;

Junior College, Qufu Normal University, 1991;

Research Projects in Recent Years

1.National Social Science Fund Project (No. 15FJK005, ¥200,000): Research on the Change of the American Federal Education Policy with the Guidance of National Competitive Force over the Past 50 years. 2015-2018.

2.MOE Humanities Social Science Research Youth Fund Project (No. 12YJC880091, ¥70,000): Comparative Research on Educational Decisive Mode of New Delta Based on QSI National Competiveness Framework. 2012-2015.

3.National Educational Science “12th five-year” Plan 2011 MOE Key Project (No. GKA113004, ¥20,000): Comparative Study on the Case of Adult Colleges’ Transformation Path. 2011-2014.

4.Shandong Education Science “11th five-year” Plan 2010 Project (No. 2010GG018): Comparative Study on Chinese and Indian Education in Terms of Improving National Competitiveness. 2010-2013.

5.2016 JSNU Graduate Education & Teaching Reform Project (¥5,000): JSNU Graduate Freshmen’s Meta Learning Condition Investment and Study on the Improvement of Students Source Side Supply Reform. 2016-2019.

6.2016 JSNU Adult Higher Education Network Curriculum Construction Project (¥18,000): Comparative Education. 2016-2017.

Selected Publications

1.Sun Longcun.(2016). Social Utilitarianism: The Logic of National Competitiveness Theory Explanation Education Policy. Renmin University of China Education Journal.

2.Sun Longcun. (2015).Seeking Answers between Science and Fair. Fujian Education.

3.Sun Longcun.(2014). The Development Trend of Labor Index in US National Competitiveness and Its Correlation with Education—A Study Based on WEF Global Competitiveness Report. Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Public Administration(10th),VolⅠ.

4.Sun Longcun.(2013).The Trend of US National R&D Competitiveness and Its Response of Higher Education. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Public Administration(9th),Vol.

5.Sun Longcun. (2012).Where is the Utopia of Education? Fujian Education.

6.Sun Longcun, Duan Zuozhang. (2012).Policies Choice of the American Federal Prevention Education and the Trigger Mechanism. Global Education.


1.Sun Longcun. (2015).Comparative Study on the Cases of Adult Higher Educational Institutes’ Transformation.Changchun: Jilin University Press.

2.Sun Longcun. (2016).Case Study on Comprehensive Practical Activities in Primary Schools. Nanjing: Phoenix Science Press.

Honors and Awards

1.Advanced Worker, JSNU, 2016.

2.Excellent Member of CPC, JSNU, 2016.

3.Three Educates Advanced Individual, JSNU, 2016.

4.Winner of Second Prize in Outstanding Paper, Jiangsu Association of Social Sciences, 2015.

5.Winner of Shandong University Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements Award, 2013.

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