Prof. Jia, vice president of Chiese Psychological Society Theorectial Psychology and Psychological History Professional Committee, vice president of Jiangsu Psychological Society, vice president of Jiangsu Social Psychological Society, president of Xuzhou Psychological Society, editor of Psychological Exploration, is mainly engaged in such fields as basic psychology, social psychology and personality psychology.
Research Interests
Basic Psychology;
Social Psychology;
Personality Psychology;
Educational Background
Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Research Station of Foundation Medicine, Shantou University Medical College, 2003;
PhD, School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University, 1999;
MA, Department of Education Science, Qufu Normal University, 1993;
BA, Department of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, 1984;
Research Projects in Recent Years
1.National Education Science Plan “the 11th Five-Year” MOE Key Project (No. DBA080167, ¥20,000): Study on Social Cognitive Theory Based on the Construction of Harmonious Society. 2008.
2.MOE Humanity Social Science Project (No. 11YJA190007, ¥90,000): Study on Modern Youth’s Sense of Life. 2011.
3.Jiangsu DOE University Philosophy Social Science Key Project (¥20,000): The Inspiration of Social Cognitive Theory on the Construction of Harmonious Society. 2007.
Selected Publications
1.Jia Linxiang, Xu Chen. (2012). On the Teenagers’ Social Attitude. Theory and Practice of Education.
2.Chen Qingguo, Jia Linxiang. (2012). Identity: the New Perspective of College Students’Psychological Pressure. Journal of Xuzhou Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition).
3.Jia Linxiang, Guo Li. (2013).Searching for Meaning of Life - Study on the Personal Meaning of College Students from the Aspect of Multiple Values. Journal of Xuzhou Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition).
4.Shi Chun, Jia Linxiang. (2013). Relationship Between Meaning in Life and Mental Health Among College Students. Chinese Journal of School Health.
5.Jia Linxiang, Geng Xiaochen. (2013). The Influence of Family Education Mode onthe Life Meaning of Middle School Students. Journal of Gannan Normal University.
6.Yin Haowen, Jia Linxiang. (2014). The Research Situation and Development Tendencyof School Bonding. Journal of Psychological Science.
7.Jia Linxiang, Shi Shuo. (2015). Community Psychology and Its Research Shifts. Journal of Xuzhou Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition).
8.Jia Linxiang. (2016). Adolescents’Education of Life Meaning in the View of Social Control. Psychological Exploration.
9.Jia Linxiang, Shi Shuo. (2016). The Socio-historical Background and Ideological Basis of Community Psychology. Journal of Soochow University(Educational Science Edition).
10.Jia Linxiang. (2017). Theoretical Psychology: Historical Reflections and Contemporary Responsibilities.Journal of Soochow University(Educational Science Edition).
1.Jia Linxiang. (2006).Connectionism Cognitive Psychology. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Press.
2.Jia Linxiang. (2006).Meaning and Life: Theoretical Study on Meaning Therapy. Qingdao: China Ocean University Press.
3.Jia Linxiang. (2009). Psychological Simulation – Cognitive Psychology. Jinan: Shandong Education Press.
4.Jia Linxiang. (2008). General Psychology. Nanjing: Phoenix Education Pressing Group.
5.Jia Linxiang. (2014). Basis of Psychology.Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, Nanjing.
6.Jia Linxiang. (2017). Primary Education Psychology. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.
Honors and Awards
1.Connectionism Cognitive Psychology won third prize of The 7th Jiangsu Philosophy Social Science Outstanding Achievements Award, 2007.
2.Psychological Simulation – Cognitive Psychology won the third prize of The 7th Jiangsu Philosophy Social Science Outstanding Achievements Award, 2010.
3.Outstanding Teaching Award, JSNU, 2013.
4.Candidates of the 4th phase of Jiangsu 333 talent project, 2011.
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