Prof. Zhang, Ph. D. and master supervisor, is now the assistant dean of Law School, JSNUand the director of the Contact Office of Alumni Division of Law School. She has been engaged in the study of intellectual property law. Prof. Zhang has published 1 monograph and over 30 papers in academic journals.
Research Interests
Intellectual Property Law.
Educational Background
Ph. D., the Civil & Commercial Law School of SWUPL, 2014;
M. A., School of Law, Nanjing Normal University, 2002;
B. A., Northwest University of Political Science and Law, 1993.
Research Projects in Recent Years
1.National Social Science Fund Project (No. 12BFX110, ¥150,000): Comparative Study on Legal Compensation of Intellectual Property Right between China and America.
2.JSNU Doctoral Support Project (¥60,000). 2014
Selected Publications
1.Zhang Chunyan. The Realistic Dilemma and Breakthrough of Chinese Intellectual Property Right Stopping Infringement Remedies Exception. Contemporary Law Review, 2017, 31 (5).
2.Zhang Chunyan, Zhang Yuhan. Theoretical Dilemma and Practical Breakthrough of Thoughts and Expression – Thoughts from Qiong Yao Suing Yu Zheng. China Copyright, 2016 (5): 31-34.
3.Zhang Chunyan. Analysis and Selection of Ownership Pattern of the Copyright of Chinese Audiovisual Works. Intellectual Property, 2015 (7): 55-60.
4.Zhang Chunyan. Review and Choice of the Secondary Remuneration Rights of the Author of Audiovisual Works. Journal of Jiangsu Normal University (Philosophy and Sciences Edition), 2015 (6): 95-100.
5.Zhang Chunyan. On the Right of Existing Author of Audiovisual Works. China Copyright, 2015 (4): 61-64.
6.Zhang Chunyan, Wang Jiangyi. Definition and Clarification of the Concept of Audiovisual Works from the Perspective of Amendment of Copyright Law. Journal of Henan Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2015, v.42, No.175 (6): 68-72.
7.Zhang Chunyan. Problems and Countermeasure: Considerations in Application to Statutory Damages on Copy Right. Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2014 (5): 445-450.
8.Zhang Chunyan. Reflection and Reconstruction: Legal Approval of Making Phonograms. Contemporary Law Review, 2013.
9.Zhang Chunyan. On the Application of Legal Compensation of American Copyright. Theory Monthly, 2012 (9): 185-188.
10. Zhang Chunyan. On Ownership of Cinematographic Works Copyright in China. Law Science Magazine, 2012, 33 (9): 80-84.
Zhang Chunyan, Study on the Copyright of Audiovisual Work – from the Perspective of the Subjects Involved in the Interests Allocation. Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2015.
Honors and Awards
1.First Prize of the 4th Jiangsu Law Outstanding Achievement Award, 2017;
2.Third Prize, the 14th Yangtze River Delta Law Forum, 2017;
3.Second Prize, the 11th Xuzhou Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Award, 2013;
4.Advanced Worker, JSNU, 2016;
5.Meritorious Heroine, JSNU, 2016;
6.Third Prize of Teaching Award, JSNU, 2007;
7.Advanced Individual of 2014-2015 JSNU “three educates” Activity, 2016;
8.Second Prize of Teaching Award, JSNU, 2016;
9.2014-2015 Top 10 Class Teachers, JSNU, 2015;
10.Excellent Supervisor of Undergraduates’ Thesis, 2016;
11.Award for Excellent Performance in Employment Promotion, JSNU, 2016;
12.Meritorious Heroine, JSNU, 2017.
Contact Information
Tel: 15952112291.