Prof. Zhang, born in 1968, post doctorate in Law, is now the deputy dean of Law School, JSNU. Between 2015 and 2016, he held the post of deputy procurator general of Tongshan People’s Procuratorate. Prof. Zhang is the legal advisor of Xuzhou municipal party committee of CPC and employed as provincial supervisor of Jiangsu People’s Procuratorate.
Research Interests
Sociology of law;
Judicial system.
Educational Background
Post Doctorate, Post-doctorate R&D Base, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, 2014;
Ph. D., College of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, 2010;
M. A., Law School of Hunan Normal University, 2001;
B. A., XZNU, 1994.
Research Projects in recent years
1.Philosophy and Social Science Project Funded by Jiangsu Institute of Higher Learning: Study on Harmonious Society and the Protection of Migrant Workers’ Rights. 2007-2009.
2.China Law Society Ministerial Project: Study on Basic Issues of the Localization of Marxism Law. 2009-2010.
3.Jiangsu Law Society Project: Study on the Protection of Labors’ Rights against the Background of Global Financial Crisis. 2009-2011.
4.Chongqing Post Doctoral S& R Special Fund Project for the Year 2011: The study on the history of the process of localization of Marxism Legal Thoughts. 2011.
5.National Social Science Fund Project: Study on the Deconstruction of Rural Urban Duality Society Structure and the Construction of the Rule of Law in China. 2014-2018.
Selected Publications
1.Zhang Bo. On the Localization Process of Marxism Relationship between Party and Law
Thoughts and the Theoretical Generation. Academic Exchange, 2014 (10): 69-73.
2.Zhang Bo. Exploration of the Solution to Superfluous Rural Collective Land Rights – from
the Perspective of the Barrier of the Urbanization of Migrant Peasants and the Solutions. Political Science and Law, 2013 (12): 70-76.
3.Zhang Bo. Modern Transition of Rule of Law Thoughts and the Administrative Thoughts of
CPC. Theoretical Investigation, 2013 (5): 33-36.
4.Zhang Bo. On the Formation, Logic and Value of China’s Six Rule of Law Themes. Study &
Exploration, 2013 (6): 46-50.
5.Zhang Bo. Helping Law Action and the Study on Its Value. Tribune of Political Science and
Law, 2013, 31 (2): 160-166.
6.Zhang Bo. On the Rejection and Compatibility of Conciliation and Rule of Law.Law Science, 2012 (12): 55-61.
Honors and Awards
1. Third Prize of the 8th Xuzhou Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2008;
2. Second Prize of the 10th Xuzhou Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2012;
3. First Prize of the 11th Xuzhou Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2013.
Contact Information
Tel: 13952205615