Professor Cao Dianshun


Prof. Cao, master supervisor, used to be the professor in China University of Mining and Technology. Now, he is the executive director of JSNU Jiangsu Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Researching Center, director of JSNU Philosophy Paradigm Research Center and academic leader of JSNU “13th Five-Year” Plan Key Discipline (Philosophy).

Research Interests

Fundamentals of Philosophy

Philology of Marxism

Philosophy of Society

Educational Background

MA, Inner Mongolia University, 1998

PhD, Jilin University, 2004

Research Projects in recent years

1.National Social Science Planning Office Key Project Subordinate Project (No. 12&ZD108). Innovation of Modern China Marxism Research Paradigms of Philosophy. 2012-2017;

2.Central Compilation & Translation Bureau Philosophy and Social Fund Project (No. 13SQWT01). Philosophy Research on Insisting Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics Confidence. 2014-2016;

3.National Social Science Planning Office Fund Project (No. 14FZX020). Marxism Social Construction Logic from the Perspective of Dialectics. 2014-2016;

4.Central Compilation & Translation Bureau Marxism Project. Marxism Classic Authors’ View on Culture. 2015-2016;

5.Jiangsu Talent Office 333 Project (No. BRA2015415). Philosophy Research on Selectablemodernity and Insisting Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics Confidence. 2015-2017;

Selected Publications

1.The Inner Connection between Political Economics and Historical Materialism. Social Sciences in China, 2016, 10.

2.Differences between Chinese School and Frankfurt School in Research of Marxist Philosophy. Philosophical Researches, 2015, 3.

3.Paradigm and School on Constructing Modern Chinese Research of Marxist Philosophy. Philosophical Researches, 2012, 3.

4.Consciousness of Problems in Modern Chinese Research of Marxist Philosophy. Philosophical Researches, 2013, 11.

5.Context and Logic: Evolution of Paradigm of Modern Chinese Research of Marxist Philosophy. Marxism & Reality, 2012, 2.

6.Philosophic Implication of Chinese Road. Marxism & Reality, 2013, 6.

7.Historical MaterialismImplication of Political Economics with Chinese Characteristics. Marxism & Reality, 2017, 4.

8.The Existence and Logic of the Theory of Appearance. Jianghai Academic Journal, 2014, 2.

9.Ecology Civilization and Chinese Future in World History – on the Ecology Civilization Concept of Cobb. J. B. Jianghai Academic Journal, 2016, 3.

10.The Possibility of the Theory of Appearance Belonging to Chinese School. Jianghai Academic Journal, 2017, 2.

11.Staging and Delimiting of Paradigm of Modern Chinese Research of Marxist Philosophy. Teaching and Research, 2013, 11.

12.Three Core Problems of Integrating Socialist Core Values System into Spiritual Civilization. Morality and Civilization, 2012, 6.

13.The Core Concept of ChineseRoad of Philosophy Research. Theoretical Investigation, 2013, 5.

14.Value Consensus and Magnificent Narration –Rethought of the Theoretical Premise of IntegratingSocialist Core Values System into National Education. Theoretical Investigation, 2012, 6.

15.Methodology of the History of Modern Chinese Marxism Philosophy. Theoretical Investigation, 2015, 3.


Cao Dianshun. Study on the earthly foundations of freedom – “critique of Hagel’s philosophy of law”. Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2009.

Cao Dianshun. Readings of Karl Marx, Anthropologist. Beijing: Central Compilation & Translation Bureau Press, 2013.

Honors and Awards

2009 National Top 100 Professor, China Teachers Evaluation Website, 2009

Supervisor of 2011 Jiangsu Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis, 2011

the second prize. the 11thJiangsu Philosophy Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2011.

the third prize. The 13th Jiangsu Philosophy Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2014.

the second prize. 2016 Jiangsu Social Science Application Study Excellent Project, 2017.

Contact Information

