(1) 发动学生寻找一些渠道对国外大学的一些汉学家、中文教授(非华裔)进行访谈,让学生与汉学家面对面,近距离感知汉学研究的魅力。
(2) 依托本地资源进行文化考察,举办各类中国文化类比赛,以及邀请汉学家讲座等。
The practical teaching of the curriculum is rich, diverse and flexible:
(1) Requiring students to find some ways to interview some sinologists or Chinese professors (non-Chinese) of foreign universities and let students face-to-face with sinologists and get a close-up look at the charm of Sinology studies.
(2) Relying on local resources for cultural research, holding various types of Chinese cultural competitions, as well as inviting Chinese scholars to give lectures.