Teaching Plan




1讲 安乐哲与中国哲学

2讲 狄百瑞与中国儒家思想

3讲 施舟人与中国道家思想

4讲 葛兰言与中国宗教

5讲 宇文所安与中国文学史

6讲 顾彬与中国古典诗歌

7讲 马悦然与中国现当代文学

8讲 高本汉与汉语语言学

9讲 费正清与中国历史

10讲 史景迁与明清史

11讲 傅高义与现代中国

12讲 吴芳思与丝绸之路

13讲 高罗佩与中国书法

14讲 喜仁龙与中国美术

15讲 青木正儿与中国戏曲

16讲 艾伯华与中国民俗

This course is offered in the second semester for first year students and includes 16 lectures on Chinese culture. It has 32 course hours with 2 hours each week.

  1. Roger T. Ames and Chinese philosophy

  2. William Theodore de Bary and Chinese Confucian thought

  3. Kristofer Marinus Schipper and Chinese Taoist thought

  4. Marcel Granet and Chinese religion

  5. Stephen Owen and the history of Chinese literature in Cambridge

  6. Wolfgang Kubin and Chinese classical poetry

  7. Goran Malmqvist and Chinese modern and contemporary literature

  8. Klas Bernhard Johannes Karlgren and Chinese linguistics

  9. John King Fairbank and Chinese history

  10. Ezra Feivel Vogel and modern China

  11. Jonathan D. Spence and the history of Ming and Qing dynasties

  12. Frances Wood and the Silk Road

  13. Robert Hans van Gulik and Chinese calligraphy

  14. Osvald Sirén and Chinese Fine Arts

  15. Aoki Masaru and Chinese opera

  16. Wolfram Eberhard and Chinese folklore
