JSNU Awarded the Third National Model Unit of Psychological Committee Work in Colleges and Universities


On December 8th, ten colleges and universities, including Jiangsu Normal University, were evaluated by the Psychological Crisis Intervention Committee of Chinese Psychological Society (CPS) and the Research Collaborative Group of National Psychological Committee of Colleges and Universities, and awarded during the council meeting as the third national model units of psychological committee work.

Our university always attaches great importance to the mental health education of college students. The construction and development of the student psychological committee is the most important part in building the core education management team focusing on the class monitor, head of the dormitory and psychological member. The university pays attention to students’ mental health and makes students enjoy happy learning and healthy growth. To this end, the university has been fully exploring, training and selecting outstanding students as psychological members. In system construction, talent training and work path, it has done a large amount of research as well. The fact that JSNU becomes a director unit and is evaluated as a model unit reflects the professional development of our psychological members. JSNU will pay more attention to the function of psychological members. Based on the college students’ mental health and the change law, the university will effectively implement its responsibility and accelerate the construction of mental health in three all-round education, striving to create a new landscape in the construction and management of psychological members.

