JSNU Summer Vacation Symposium ofDevelopmental Strategy was held at Ma Ke Concert Hall, Quanshan Campus duringAug 29 and 30. This symposium, themed as “deepening the opening up inuniversity operation”, had a profound discussion over how to improveinternational level, strengthen linkage and build an all-round pattern foruniversity operation.
On the morning of Aug 29, Professor ZhouRuguang, President of JSNU, made a keynote speech named “Deepening the openingup in operation, improve the vitality, and strive to build a high level university.”He pointed out that the opening up in university operation was a necessarytrend in global higher education development, a demand in serving nationalstrategy and local development, and a choice to improve JSNU’s career. By far,we had achieved some results in operation and had a good performance intop-level design, resource integration and opening up. However, we still facedthe problems such as lack of recognition, weak ability and unsmooth mechanism.President Zhou noted that we should advance the pace in opening up, emancipatingour minds, renovating concepts and raise our awareness. He added that 2019 wasan important year for us, so all our teachers and students should work hard tocreate a new situation for our university.
Then, on the afternoon of Aug 30, ProfessorHua Guihong, Party Secretary of CPC JSNU Committee made a concluding speechnamed “Constructing an all-round opening up pattern, building high-leveluniversity.” He spoke highly of this symposium and said that opening up inoperation was national and social developmental demand. Determining this targetwas a significant measure in adapting new trend of higher education developmentand globalization, exploring sustainable developmental path with JSHUcharacteristics and deepen university inner construction. Professor Hua said itmade the whole university improve the understanding of opening-up and realize itsmeaning in building high-level university. He hoped that everyone couldremember the new concept in every part of teaching, researching andadministrating. He summarized that we should make new breakthrough ineducation, discipline construction, researching, globalization and socialservice with an open horizon.
Before the curtain fell, Professor Zhou andProfessor Hua raised explicit demands for the working arrangement in the latterhalf of the year.