On the fault-tolerance of graphs (digraphs)


Topic: On the fault-tolerance of graphs (digraphs)

Speaker: Professor Meng Jixiang

Event date: 4/29/2019

Event time: 15:00 p.m.

Venue: Lecture Hall 1506, Building 9

Sponsor: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Institute of Science and Technology


To measure the fault-tolerance of connectivity of graphs,we introduce a so called tolerability of graphs with respect to a connectivity property. For a graph (digraph) G with some connectivity property P (such as maximally edge(arc)-connected, super edge(arc)-connected), how many faulty edges (arcs) or vertices can be tolerated such that the remaining graph(digraph) still has property P? We can define a parameter with respect toproperty P, denoted by mP(G), as the maximum integer m for which G-S still has property P for any edge (arc) or vertex subset S with |S|  m.

In this talk, we will discuss recent result about this parameter mP(G)
