Algebraic techniques for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a split quaternion matrix in split quaternionic mechanics


Topic:Algebraic techniques for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a split quaternion matrix in split quaternionic mechanics

Speaker: Professor Jiang Tongsong

Event date: 3/22/2019

Event time: 10:30 a.m.

Venue: Lecture Hall 1508, Building 9

Sponsor: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Institute of Science and Technology

Brief Introduction of the Speaker:

Professor Jiang Tongsong, doctoral supervisor, is the vice president of Heze University. He has been engaged in teaching management for a very long time and has won many national awards.


In the study of the relation between complexified classical and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, physicians found that there are links to quaternionic and coquaternionic mechanics. The main finding is that complexified mechanical systems with real energies studied extensively in the literature over the past decade can alternatively be thought of as certain split quaternionic extensionsof the underlying real mechanical systems. This identification leads to the possibility of employing algebraic techniques of quaternions and splitquaternions to tackle some of the challenging open issues in complexified classical and quantum mechanics. This talk, by means of complex representation of a split quaternion matrix, studies the problems of right split quaternion eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a split quaternion matrix, and derives algebraic techniques for the right split quaternion eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the split quaternion matrix in split quaternionic mechanics.
