JSNU holds Field School for faculty of Camosun College


Delegation from Camosun College, led by vice president Geoffrey Wilmshurst came to JSNU to develop a one-week Field School of Chinese Language and Culture during May 7 to 11. The Opening Ceremony was held on the morning of May 7 with Zhou Ruguang, president of JSNU on the scene.

At the ceremony, president Zhou addressed the welcome speech and gave a brief introduce of JSNU, illustrating the university’s achievements in the field of Chinese language and study on Han culture. He assured the Canadian guests that JSNU totally prepare for the activity and expressed his wish that two sides would take this activity seriously to make the delegation gain some experience. President Wilmshurst expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and organization.

This field school lasted for 5 days. The delegation experienced the courses of Chinese and Chinese Culture at International College and School of Foreign Studies. They visited Xuzhou No. 34 Middle School and Xuzhou Technician Institute, understanding the situation of China’s elementary education and vocational education. At the same time, they experienced the real Chinese family lives after visited 6 Chinese families, learning making Chinese dishes. Besides, the delegation communicated with 9 professional teachers and directors of related departments, exchanging their ideas about teaching, researching and managing and interacted with 9 class of School of Foreign Studies.

At the end of the activity, vice president Wilmshurst expressed the gratitude again on behalf of the whole faculty. He said during the stay, they witnessed the rapid development of Chinese economy and experienced the charm of Chinese culture through JSNU’s organization, arrangement and service, making them think a lot on the education of China and Canada. He would like to enhance further cooperation between two sides and exchange. President Zhou said we would pay a return visit soon and looked forward to future cooperation.

Camosun College, founded in 1971, is located in Victoria, British Columbia. It serves 19,000 learners a year in certificate, diploma, bachelor’s degree, post-degree diploma and continuing education programs.
