JSNU Administration Conference for International Students


In order to improve the cultivation of international students and internationalization, Jiangsu Normal University Administration Conference for International Students was held at Meeting Room 300 of Analysis and Testing Center on the afternoon of Jul 15. Professor Zhou Ruguang, President of JSNU, and Professor Cen Hong, Vice Chair of JSNU Committee, as well as division heads attended the meeting.

With Professor Cen hosting the meeting, teachers of International College introduced students’ affairs in 2019 and main task inthe following phase. Teachers of the International Office and International College illustrated “Regulations on recruitment and cultivation of International students (draft)” and “Management on the expenditure ofInternational students (degree students)” to attendees. Then the latter discussed related issues about these two papers and proposed some advice and suggestions on the cultivation of International students.

In the end, President Zhou made a summary. He spoke highly of the achievements from the perspective of international students management during the 13th five year plan and raised some standards on the next stage. He pointed out that our main strategy was expanding, setting up standard, highlighting characteristics and improving qualities. By doing so, when it came to the end of the 14th five-year plan, our international students’ number could hit 1,800 and formed a batch of distinguished brands.

President Zhou stressed that in order to achieve these goals, we had to raise our vision, sort out all kinds of mechanism, improve management. He hoped that all the departments and schools could overcome difficulties and cooperate together to contribute more wisdom and strength to the cultivation of international students.
